Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Annual Flowers

     Annual Flowers

Annual Flowers are a big part of my view of the landscape. Although many will say that it is to American looking, I think it adds the seasonal color and allows for a change of style and contrast. It's also fun to watch a small variety of a plant grow and fill in a space with a beauty of different color. We at the college have just finished planting a majority of our annuals, more then 2000 pieces, over $8,000 dollars worth. We have been a little lucky as to we go rain right when we were done. So the plants are going to heal in nicely. The next time they need water we will feed them. Most likely with Miracle Grow. Try and give them a dose of nitrogen to get their roots established. Then hit them with Jacks bloom booster in a couple of weeks. Much of the discussion this week has been about wearing gloves when we plant. Jeff says that Johnnie Appleseed didn't wear gloves going town to town planting apple trees and that we shouldn't either. I generally stick with most of the same annuals every year. Impatient, New Guinea and Germanium. Also marigold, petunia, coulis and this year more solosia. Hopeful we can get it all up and growing strong by new student orientation.

      Plant of the Day

Beech Tree is a specimen we do not see used very much. Or you have to really look for them. Most people would think its a maple. We have a few on campus and one is  weeping form and is a great specimen in its location. We planted 2 purple, variegated. Although they are small, and are slow growing they too will become specimen trees that will catch peoples eye and make them wonder. I often find myself looking at older significant trees and wonder what the person was thinking when they choose that type of plant and variety.

I read today that City Councilor Tim Rooke will not hold any committee meetings in protest over the School Department move. Potentially damaging the cities ability to provide the state with future mandates and policy. And as in the past I stand very strongly with the Mayor  on this one. The current school department building is over century old and outdated. People are going to be much happier about going to work in a brand new renovated space at the old federal building. A happier work force will only result in more efficiency with better performance by the whole department. Yes Mr. Rooke the cost is a issue, but it is not one that we need to stop the function of government. And Again I will say it. I am sick of politicians making a stink for the sake of political gain. We want partisanship, and in this case even if we improve one of the 10 failing schools in Springfield its a progress that is positive.


Theres no better weather then the middle of May. Spring is half way gone, and summer is knocking on the door. Its not to late to put step 1on the lawns. Even if the guy or gal at Home Depot or Lowes tells you its to late it is not. But you have got to get it down in the next week.

                                                                  Good Luck, E.P.

P.S. Need to pick up  brush to get all the dirt out of our finger nails.
Where have you gone Rader OReily

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