Sunday, May 16, 2010


      Liter is a big issue for any groundsmen. Everyday it must be picked up. When people see us doing this chore they either look down upon us or are grateful that we are doing this task. And with all the wind this spring it seems that trash is blowing all over the place. People throw just about anything out of their car. In the 22 years that I have been doing this I have picked up everything. From toilet bowls to scratch tickets, jewelryy to money, McDonald bags to drugs, I have picked it all up. Which brings me back to my liter tax. I am sure there is a fine that can levied against a person for disposing of trash from their car. But really, when is the last time that has happen. A small tax on the companies that profit from the sale of what the consumer buys and will most likely disregard on our streets can help cleanup the liter , but also lessen the amount of liter that is on the city landscape. Charging a tax of just pennies on the smallest of purchase will force large companies to campaign against liter buy making their customers aware of the problem and address the issue at more of  local level. Now I know a company like Mickey Ds does clean their own properties, but what about all the take out and over the counter sales. What ever happen to public announcements on T.V. about pollution. May-be the tax could support more in the way of educating the public on liter and pollution. Something has to be done, and I am glad that Springfield has Melvin Edwards leading the charge.  And although the effort is only beginning, I'll continue to lobby for my tax.

     Our first couple of days of planting annuals is off to a good start. Preparing, and fluffing the beds has made it easier to sew in the plants. I know I said I would have recipes for Sundays, but we had the grandkids this week-end and this damn key board is not working correctly. So I owe the post one. I will have to owe it a plant of the day, My mind is focused on planting annuals, so annuals it is.

     A Song

     I know some woman who like to cheat the system. They have kids, have a boyfriend that lives with them, have a job and think it is perfectly fine to collect a welfare check by saying they have no idea where the father of their children are, when in fact their boy friend is right there living with them and working. I call these girls welfare whores. So here goes

Welfare whore, Welfare whore
All her life she's been a Welfare Whore,
Spending more, never doin chores,
She's a Welfare Whore.

Every night I come home from work,
Always wanting too go Biszirk,
But I'll just sit on my couch and Pray,
Oh dear lord take this bitch away.

Welfare whore, welfare whore,
All her life she's been a welfare whore.


      R.I.P. Matt Durkee, To many young people and people in general commit suicide. I have been associated with 3, and all were very terrible on the people left behind. Nothing you can say or do can help, and if I had the solution it would never happen again. Yet, deep inside a person, when there is no going back, that's where you need to fight the problem I guess. Again I do not have any answers for this.
A new week starts the process all over again.

                                                                     Good Luck Eddie Pags

P.S. Congrats to Looking At Lucky.
Where have you gone Gene Wilder

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