Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's Snowing, but Spring is still on the way.

Crocus blooming in the Snow

A late winter snow storm has dumped a few inches of snow on early season bulbs. Many of which seem even earlier considering the unusual weather of the past 2 months. A few inch's of snow will hopefully slow down some of the early season bulbs that have made their way to the surface of mulch beds during the warm weather of the winter. Also a little snow will allow for a better bloom when the time is right and give the plants a natural boost. Many gardeners call these snow events natures fertilizer.

Daffodils up against a house
Planting early season bulbs close to a building or structure will help protect the bulbs from heavy snow that can cause the thin leaf tissue to lay down with the weight of the snow. Some of these daffodils are getting ready to pop. A little early for our standards around here, but then again, it appears like we will have a early spring.

Simple Spring Color in a Vase
 A simple way to add spring color to any room in the house and most of the cuttings can be found right in the landscape. Border Forsythia is the most common shrub that we cut and force to bloom. But adding another plant to accent the display can bring out different colors and texture. Here I added Pieris, ( japonica ) Japanese, or Mountain will do. You can also try Crabapple,Pear,or Viburnum. 

A while back I thought I heard that the City of Springfield is replacing the field at Central High School with a Synthetic turf. And I would strongly recommend that if and when they replace Plumb field, I hope the powers to be consider a field that most communities are going to these days. East Longmeadow installed one and I know Longmeadow was considering it with the construction of a new high school.

Is this the new Plumb field ?
The initial cost can be a little much, but the savings over the life of the field in routine maintenance can cover the difference and the cut back in use of pesticides and fertilizer will help make a better impact on the environment. Most of the fields that are natural grass are over used as it is and as with most coach's and Athletic directors they like to be on them at the first sign of spring. These multi purpose fields can alleviate safety issues while helping local athletic organizations schedule in more events. Plus they look great and wood add a touch of class to any Springfield facility. 

Crum Rubber.
Many people ask me what the black stuff is that comes up when there is a disruption at the surface. This finely shredded rubber is filled into the fibers of the field to help with resistance and make the surface softer. This field is filled with sand and crum rubber, 9 lbs per sq. ft. It also helps keep the fibers standing, resembling natural grass.

Thanks for reading the blog, over a thousand views and counting. This weekly edition will cover everything in the landscape or garden and then some. Also if you don't mind I like to get on my soap box and solve the issues of the world, country or my own little space. So I hope you enjoy reading and look forward to rolling out several columns in the future  ahead.

                                        Edward Pagliaro C.G.M.
                                        The Original Eduardo

P.S. You were the first Day Dream Believer Davey Jones.    


  1. Would you please stop spamming the masslive site with links to your site. It's fine to post a link once in a while, but seriously make it something other than just a link to your commercial site where you get paid for click-throughs. Try posting a comment or getting involved in a discussion.

    Happy gardening!

  2. hey poopa what your yard look like?overgrown? great article eduardo

  3. Well, I am only trying to help out the landscapers and gardeners. And I think here in the blog I set the discussion with what I see and do as a professional grounds manager. I would only hope I get more questions pertaining to gardening events.
