Right now you may be seeing a lot of white flowers growing in the turf. This is all clover and is a sign that your soil is compacted and in need of Nitrogen. Any areas that I see with clove I try and spot spray it. If there is an abundance then you should try a product from Lebanon that has Confront in it. If you are irrigating your lawn then this is the product for you. I highly recommend it. I swear by it. And again Ortho makes a good weed killer for the turf.
White Pines
Many people will use this tree as a screen. And yes they do grow quickly into a screen. Yet his tree will grow anywhere from 3 to 6 feet a year and trying to contain them is impossible. When their new growth appear in the spring we cut it back in half. This slows them down a little put in just a short time of 7 to 10 years they will be un manageable as a hedge and grow to tall to support its lower canopy. Also is a very messy tree with its pitch sap and hard to pick up needles. If you were to use one I would plant them with a group of larger growing trees to provide shade and a good canopy for a park setting or even a campus and cemetery grounds. If I need a screen or sound barrier I would prefer Hemlock or Arborvitae.
The Weather
Another sticky day followed by rain and more rain for the week-end. Oh Oh, is this summer starting like last summer? To much rain and you have to stay on your toes with mowing ad weed control. The weeds will start germinating faster then we can spray or cultivate them. So get spraying tomorrow while it is nice.
I still need my past performances before I can Make any prediction on the Belmont.
Yes I think VanderSloot killed Holloway.
In terms of short stories, I think every post may have one and the story for now will be continuous.
Kathleen Farrell was my mothers first cousin. Their moms were sisters, Olive and Dot. She married Uncle Tony. and she made the best dam sauce out of everyone. And the story goes that when she married my uncle my grandmother had her over to teach her how to cook for her little Tony from Italy. Which in fact pissed off every aunt on my Italian side. All 5 of them. Any ways Auntie Kay's mother died with the birth of my cousin Jackie. So Kathleen raised him and supported her two sisters Ruth, and Dorothy. And besides all of that had to deal with a drunken Irishmen father to boot. They lived on Hungry Hill in Springfield on Miller St.
That's all for today. Need to get cultivating with all the rain.
Good Luck E.Pagliaro
P.S. You certainly were a Golden Girl Rue.
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