Well we finally have some rain. A good soaking rain to. It should help the lawns recover. This time of year the street flower and plant vendors pop up all over. Trying to get us all to stop and buy a mothers day gift for mom. Yet I am very reluctant to do this because I like to support the Guy who has been in this business over a period of time and will give us the quality that mom deserves in her mothers day gift. Plus the fly-by-nights on the corner of the large intersections is only in it for the money, not for a long term happiness that a quality plant or tree will give you and your mother for years to come. And if my mother were alive today I would try and find a plant that lasts for years. A memory, that will continue for ever. A magnolia, quince, or a crab apple tree will all work.
Plant of the Day. A single Spirea caught my eye this morning. Snow mound has white flowers and look terrific in groupings or as single specimen. Some homeowners use them has hedge. They will grow in shade or full sun. they also respond well to pruning and shearing. Their leafs will hold onto water,as to when I was a kid and I would go into group of them to get the wiffle ball out and I would come out soaked even though we had no rained in several days. The rain we are having today will cause them to weep down.
Politics. I hope they can stop that oil leak.
If I could talk to the Animals. Working outdoors in the landscape or garden we have many visitors. Birds, cats, squirrels, bats, snakes, a lot of different animals. Over the last several weeks a couple of animals have peaked our interest. First we have 2 Red tail Hawks that have been visible through out the campus, we also spotted the Bald Eagle the local news had reported about on Bradley Road. We have three mother Ducks sitting on eggs in various locations of campus. I came upon one when I was removing dead wood from an up right juniper, She came out and waddled around a bit, I told her it was alright and we left her alone. I hope she understood. Lastly I saw a rabbit this morning, which is strange, I really have not seen a lot of rabbits around. With those hawks lurking all over I hope the little Bunnie can stay under cover.
Its been a first fun week for this blog. I hope anyone who reads this will find the information useful. Coming Events, Mary's ( my wife) vegetable plants.
This just in, its official, the dirt has turned into mud. Better get the Carhart rain gear on.
Good Luck,
Eddie Pags
good point on supporting the local plant suppliers