Saturday, June 12, 2010

Weather and Planting


With all the cool and damp weather, Friday was a great day for more planting. This time we did an area that I have been wanting to address for sometime now. The moist soil conditions with the cool air temperature's make it a great time to do something and so we did. replacing a bunch of old and woody potenilla for some cypress and Anthony Waterer Spirea. In the area we were at was a very main part of campus so we wanted to insure a quick turnover as well as making some of the other material stand out in a plant bed that also contains a sign. We have some topiary yews that were sheared tight and once we got the potenilla out they really stand out now. I think over the next year or two we will transform the area with different color of annuals and may-be throw in some perennials.
With the soil being wet and cool there has been a large crop of weeds still germinating, or will be germinating as it warms up. You have to remember to put down Pre M Weed control after cultivating. Preen is good as well as Snap Shot. Just keep it of the leaf tissue of the plants.
Also with it being wet and cool the shrubbery will really start growing. Its not to late to make more significant pruning cuts to thin and open for light and air. One or two older canes out of a forthisia will really help the plants overall health as well as height and size reduction.
And with the wet cooler weather the turf is really growing. People often ask, why do you mow so often. And when its is cool and damp you need to mow more often. As well as remembering the rule. Try and not remove more then one third of the plant at a time. This helps with a lawns overall color and density. I see many homeowners mowing real short to alleviate having to mow so often. Well why did you go out to the hardware store and spend all that money on a 4 step program for your lawn only to scalp it down with the mower. Opening up the grass for all sorts of problems, that you can't fix. And I see some people that just do not know any better. These are the people I feel bad for. And wish I could help. Which I do do. I will often meet with people at there house at no cost. I enjoy helping people with their home lawn or garden problems. But when you do not listen to me or become to lazy to follow through on a plan, then the next time if I come over it will cost you.


Speaking of help, I hope the landscaper who was involved in that awful  accident is going to be O.K. I hope something is being done in terms of financial support or just general help. I hope I see something soon in the local news or paper. May-be I should send him a card.
Although they say that speed did not play a factor in this, there are way to many people speeding. In this day and age, Now is the time you really have to look out for the other guy.
If you really want to know what a Flash flood is check out what happen to the campers in Arkansas.
Will they please stop the oil leak all ready, bad job B.P. and bad job Mr. President.

Spain in the World Cup, but hope the Americas make good showing

Every where you look there is some kind of seasonal color. Perennials, annuals and trees and shrubs, its a perfect segway to summer. Need to stake the tomato plants as well as check all the fruit bearing trees and vines.
Side Bar My father was a very hard worker and he obtained that from his mother and father. Most of my brothers and I are hard workers as well as my sister. As a matter of fact that's the only nice thing any one ever said about me at Springfield College," he's  hard worker." The hard work again comes my my Italian side. And legend has it that my Grandfather had circus strength, meaning his feats were almost unbelievable. He was so strong the Italian Navy made him sit watch in the mask on the most brutal of nights at sea. Now that would be nearly impossible for anybody else but this guy, he would put the tie off rope in his mouth to hold on and slice up his cheese and supersaut for a snack.Never missing a beat as the ocean and wind pounded the vessel. Now I had heard several stories growing up about it and was watching a feats of strength game at a stag party once with all the young men trying to lift a chair up from the very bottom of one of its legs. It seems easy but it's very hard. Well as I am watching this and a older uncle comes over to tell me he witnessed my grandfather lifting a very heavy oak chair up over his head. And after he did that he exclaimed he could do it with a woman in the chair, and were there any takers to a bet of it. So many men made the bet and  he placed one of his daughters in the chair and raised it again well over his head. I only saw a few pictures of this man and it was when he was older.But I did get to meet his brother in law who many said had the same strength. When I met him he was well in his 90's but filled up a living room chair with a wealth of muscle that had long been needed to survive as immigrants.
More rain for the week-end, check all your plants for slugs, and Ortho Sluggo is a good product to keep them at bay until it drys out.

         Good Luck, Eddie are you serious!

P.S. Still a day dream believer Davy Jones

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